Thursday, April 22, 2010

SpECiAL TaG bY aLYsSa ViLLaMor

why did i post this entry?
i) it is was my lao shi asking me to do it..
ii) i have to because before i did not post when he tagged me.. huhu
iii) no other choice.. it's now or never.. ^_^

Its all about the numero ocho (eight,8)..
By the chinese believe they like to use number 8 because they believe that number 8 will give they "ong" / luck..
For me number 8 is to say goodbye.. 8888888888888888888888888888... =P

Based on the tagged i need to fulfill this list:
1. Go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder.
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4. Then challenge 8 blogging friend to do the same.
[copy paste]

i choose this pitcure because num 8
this pitcure is made by my k.erin san..
all credit is given to her..
she is talented girl..
that's all..
i hope i answer it all correct en lao shi..

don't want to tagged anybody this time..

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